7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die Maps

Vanilla – Standard 10k

Demo’s only – Standard 10k

Outback Roadies – Australia 10k custom

7 Days to Die Mods

Vanilla – None

Demos Only:

Outback Roadies

Server Rules

Server Rules are as follows:

1. Griefing will not be tolerated. This is a PvP server, but harassing players or griefing a player will lead to a temporary ban. Repeat offenses will lead to permanent ban.

2. Killing at Traders is prohibited. These are considered safe zones and shall be treated as such.

3. Offline attacking is prohibited. Players need to be able to defend. (This falls under Griefing)

4. Please keep space between bases at a distance. Do not build on top of other players. We want resources to be sufficient for everyone.

5. Alliances with players is allowed and encouraged. Please keep alliances fair.

6. Lastly, please enjoy the game and have fun and be respectful of each other.

7 Days to Die Server Status